CMHC Solutions Lab: Modelling Transitional Housing for Youth

2020 - Ongoing


Led by WoodGreen and partnered with Partisans, PROCESS is working on the CMHC Solutions Lab “Modelling Transitional Housing for Youth.”

This Solutions Lab seeks to develop a set of key architectural design principles and solutions to inform future built-for-purpose transitional housing sites for youth who are homeless or at risk of being homeless, with a focus on youth aging out of the child welfare system.

PROCESS was retained to conduct research, including a programmatic scan, precedent analysis and interviews with diverse stakeholders to inform the architectural design guidelines. Interviews were conducted with youth who have lived experience and with experts who have experience in the housing, child and youth services, architecture, development, planning, financing and other relevant fields.

The next phase of work will include a design charrette, to delve deeper into the best practices, key learnings and to inform the architectural guidelines.



CMHC Solutions Lab


  • Process + Strategy